Thursday, April 21, 2011


Okay, here's a fun thing - playing three tables, plus a game of Go on KGS, completely confused all around....

Anyhow, the Go game ends, and I find myself doing quite well in the tournaments I'm playing at.

Three hands later, when I'm actually focusing on the games, I bust out of one of the tournaments - it was a $50 freeroll, so no big - and.... maybe I still play clearly better while distracted.

Or maybe it's the sugar - I've been on low sugar of late, and I bought some candy bars today, so this is my brain on sugar.

I found an interesting forum for poker players, by the way, called Cardschat.

Here's an obsevation I wish I'd made a few seconds earlier:
When an opponent makes a "hey I have high pair" - raise and you have a big hand, and you call, and the flop gives you nothing --- FOLD!

So yeah. It was the 1 Party Point Daily Spring Million Giveaway, I had a good stack too.

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