Friday, April 22, 2011

...Huh.. Turbo Sit & Gos.

I used to think I was no good at them, but I seem to win 9 out of 10 times, when I play. That's only on the $1 level right now, though. I need about $75 to play $3 games. sanely.

Further, I almost always win the 6-seated games, but rarely the 10-seated ones, although I used to place in top-3 practically always on those.

From the $3 six-seated games, If I'm playing normally, I place four times out of five, and win one out of five.

I've never won on the $6 level.

quick math gives the best win/loss ratio for $1 games, but it takes me five hours to process $20 of my bankroll... not an issue right now, since I'm short again, but when I have more than that, it becomes less effective. However, my profit is about $15 per 10 games...

So, if I play 10 $3 games, my profit will be about $2.4 per game...
Hm. That's slightly more profitable, but if I play on some level of tilt, I also LOSE money a LOT faster at that level... I guess that's why I should have a large enough bankroll not to suffer too much from the downswings.

At $18 a day, I could make it to $80 in five days, at which  point playing $3 games would be safe. Need about $160 to $200 for $6 games, then.

The thing is, I do like to play tournaments - the whole win big aspect is very enjoyable.....

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